You may know me from such award winning computer games as the Ultima and Wing Commander series, as well as table-top games like Car Wars and Champions.
I've done everything from box cover paintings to in-game 3D animations.
I've worked for Origin Systems, KingsIsle, Steve Jackson Games, Hero Games, and many others.
I co-founded Iron Will Games and Pixelmine Games.
Now I want to work directly for my fans.
2014 claimed a best friend and roommate. He authored many Star Wars novels, and well as works all his own. He was also the greatest game master ever! We'll miss him.
JeffDee and Talzhemir make games, some of which use my art on the cover!
Jeff Dee on Facebook
Jeff Dee, Russell Glasser, and I, do an atheist podcast each 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Anthropomorphic role playing set in the land of the False Dawn.
Publisher of The Protectors, you can see the cover in the Cover Art gallery.
Published Kaiju Kultists seen at the bottom of the gallery.